MONTREAL - Michel Tardif, a 51-year employee of the Olymel plant in Vallee-Jonction in the Beauce, was found dead Monday behind a dumpster, possibly after getting stuck, according to the provincial police Surete de Quebec.

Sgt Claude Denis said that there was no suspicion of any criminal act.

Police received a call and went to the scene shortly after 1 p.m.

An investigation is being conducted into the incident by police and the Committee on Health and Safety (CSST).

Olymel confirmed Tardif's death and reported that he worked as a pork-cutter at the slaughterhouse and clerk in wastewater treatment with 30 years experience.

Company representative Richard Vigneault said Tardif was found dead by colleagues.

Vallee-Jonction is a town of about 2,000 about a three hour and fifteen minute drive east from Montreal.