The much anticipated sale of the Montreal Canadiens is still the talk of the town.

George Gillett reached an agreement in principle Saturday morning to sell his majority share of the Montreal Canadiens to the Molsons, the prominent brewing family that has been involved with the club for three generations.

The deal, said to be worth more than $600 million, will also include the Bell Centre and the Gillett Entertainment Group.

Many Habs fans are thrilled with the news, and believe their beloved team will be in good hands.

"With the past history with the Molson family, I know they want nothing but the best for this franchise," said longtime fan Al Chagnon.

"I think the world is evolving as it should," said Peter Jetschin, another Canadiens' supporter. "The Molsons, the Habs, Montreal -- it all goes together."

Hockey legend Dickie Moore told CTV Montreal he was rooting for the Molsons all along.

"I played for the Molsons when we won our first five consecutive Stanley Cups (...) To have the family back is great for the city and for the fans of Montreal," said Moore.

Mayor Gerald Tremblay also said the sale of the Habs to the Molson family is good news for the city.

"Fortunately we have people in Montreal that are dedicated to hockey and we have a legacy. That legacy will now be the responsibility of the Molson family," Tremblay said.

The deal must be finalized and approved by the NHL's board of governors. The approval could come by the end of August.