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Quebec Transport Minister introduces a bill to improve road safety


Quebec Transport Minister Geneviève Guilbault tabled a bill on Friday to improve road safety, implimenting her Road Safety Action Plan announced earlier this year.

Guilbault unveiled the broad outlines of her plan in August, which provides for the addition of photo radars, as well as a limit of 30 km/h in school zones.

Fines for offenders in these areas will also be increased.

The plan also included measures to better protect road construction workers.

Quebec also wants to make more photo radars available for municipalities.

The government has set aside $180 million for the implementation of the plan.

In a news release, Guilbault said she wanted to bring about a "culture change" in road safety.

"Our government is taking a decisive step with the tabling of this bill with a view to implementing certain key measures of our 2023-2028 Road Safety Action Plan," she said.

"Legislation is an essential tool for generating lasting behavioural changes, especially when it is combined with awareness and control activities," said Quebec auto insurance board (SAAQ) president and CEO Éric Ducharme.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published in French on Dec. 8, 2023. Top Stories


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