MONTREAL -- The number of positive COVID-19 cases in Quebec reached 60,000 Wednesday, as public health authorities announced that 155 more people have tested positive for the virus in the past 24 hours.
Fifty-eight of the positive cases were reported on the Island of Montreal, 29 each in Monteregie and the Lower Laurentians.
In the same time frame, one person died due to the virus, and one person also died before July 28, according to data from the Quebec health ministry. Both deaths were reported in Montreal.
The total number of deaths in the province since the start of the pandemic is now 5,687.
Quebec hospitalizations went down with two fewer people receiving treatment in the province's hospitals in the past 24 hours for a total of 167. Of those receiving care, 19 are in the intensive care ward, a decrease of two.
On Aug. 3, 13,125 tests were performed, which is 3,551 more than were performed Aug. 2. (Quebec releases testing data from two days prior to its daily updates).