No one is above the law. No one. Not cops, not politicians and no, not firefighters.

You see when Montreal City Hall was ransacked in August it was not a simple union protest, it was not a simple demonstration.

It was a full frontal assault by bullies on you and me and the democracy which we cherish.

Now the goons are getting what they so richly deserve: firings and suspensions are appropriate.

We finally have a city administration with the guts to say ‘No.’

A city hall that will not roll over and be subjected to the tyranny of mob rule.

The issue is not Bill 3 nor Bill 303.

The protestors broke a fundamental covenant by trashing a symbol of our democratic life.

They are reaping what they sowed.

Let this be a notice that respect for fundamental rights and democratic process will be and must be respected.

Let us also serve notice that our firefighters and police and other public employees are expected to continue to perform their jobs with professionalism and rigour.

They should never forget that we are the boss.

The dark side of PKP?

The PQ continues to lick its wounds, and blame voters for being wrong April 7th and this weekend will start the process of picking a new leader.

The odds-on favourite is Pierre Karl Peladeau. Media baron. Canadian capitalist right-wing conservative, union buster.

Oh hold on, that was the old PKP.

The new one is softer and gentler, a friend of the poor and downtrodden, a regular man of the people or as Francois Legault quipped, PKP has become almost a Marxist-Leninist.

Franchement, we haven’t seen this great a transformation since Anakin Skywalker went over to the dark side.

I’m not saying PKP is a Sith Lord, hon’t get me wrong, but this is an extreme makeover designed to help him win over the more left-leaning members of the PQ.

It wasn’t long ago he was the arch enemy of the CBC, now he is criticizing cuts in funding to the broadcaster.

Nor does he seem to be too worried any longer about Quebec balancing the books.

In Le Devoir, he called the Liberal attack on the deficit as “highly dogmatic”

The erstwhile bottom line patriot even went over to Scotland to be a cheerleader for the separatists in their referendum.

I really feel we have entered a parallel universe with this guy.

Earlier this week he compared Canada’s patriation of the constitution to communism in East Germany. Get a grip, man.

I have a hard time believing anything this guy says, something about a leopard and spots.

The good news is that I bet many Pequistes will have the same reaction.

If they do pick PKP as leader, my guess is that many of the pro union and separatist hardliners that make up the base of the party will fold up their tents and move on.

There are other options for them.

That development could tear the PQ apart.

Which couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch.