We woke up this week to something most right-thinking people hope would be only a bad dream: the banner headline "a PQ majority."
Support for the government is being boosted by the Charter of Values which is stirring up fears, particularly in the regions.
No wonder Madame Marois seems to be feeling delighted these days.
Don't panic. At least not yet.
That was one poll.
Another in La Presse was a little less generous to the PQ.
But so far the Charter strategy, to divide Quebecers, increase francophone support and then head to an election, is working.
God help us if that majority scenario comes to pass.
We would see much tougher language laws, more policies aimed at the exclusion of minorities, a sovereignist government dedicated to whipping up support for a third referendum, and for many it would be the last straw.
I'm not sure Montreal would ever recover.
However this is only one week of polls and Liberal support is generally underestimated, but the trend is troublesome and we may see an election sooner than later.
Which brings us to Dr Phil, our brain surgeon Liberal leader.
Less than inspiring leader
Mr. Couillard's performance as Liberal leader has not been inspiring.
He has Philippe-flopped on the Charter and other issues including governing with a deficit.
He got sucked into letting the PQ dictate the terms and rules of the 'Values' debate.
He once said the Charter would pass over his dead body, but since then the Liberal position has changed. I'm not sure most people have any idea what the Liberals stand for.
In the debate over the politics of identity, Couillard has been outplayed.
It's high time he stepped up to the plate.
Tough, but correct decision
It's still early in the game but so far, I think Denis Coderre has been doing a pretty good job.
Pulling the plug on Bixi was the right thing to do.
It's not that Bixi is a bad idea in itself but this turkey has been mishandled from the get-go.
Taxpayers should not be expected to pay for a bike-sharing program. It's a business that a city has no business in.
Mayor Coderre is looking for a buyer, but we will likely end up losing millions on a project that we were once told would never cost us a penny.
Calvillo a class act
Finally this week, thank you to a man who probably saved professional football in this city.
Anthony Calvillo has called it a day.
On and off the field Anthony Calvillo was a class act and a true gentleman.
He grew up with the odds against him in a rough suburb of Los Angeles, a place where often the attraction of violent gangs is too hard to resist, where no prisoners are taken.
Every time he was knocked down he got back up.
Perhaps Montreal was where Anthony Calvillo was truly able to begin a new life and for that we are grateful.
He brought us three championships and set an all-time passing record in professional football.
But the measure of the man is not to be found in statistics but in the strength of his character.
Anthony Calvillo is an all-star in every way.