MONTREAL -- Longueuil police (SPAL) erected a perimeter around St-Claire Elementary School in Brossard while investigating an incident at the request of the school's administration.

While police have not released details of the incident, SPAL spokesperson Ghyslain Vallières said there was a threat of some kind made nearby. The threat was not directed at the school, but it was near enough that officers opted to keep students inside and secure the parimetre. 

Investigators remained on the scene for hours as the school's administration instructed parents to pick up their children in designated areas. 

SPAL spokespeople said more information would be available in the following days, including whether the threat was legitimate.

Sixteen SPAL police cars were on site at the height of the intervention while students were confined within the school.

No injuries were reported.

Longueil Police

(Image source: SPAL)


Police blocked the entrances and exits of the school as a "preventative" measure, said SPAL spokesperson Ghyslain Vallières.

Preschoolers and elementary students left the building as per their regular schedule, according to Vallières, who added that the request for police presence came from the director of the school.

The operation ended shortly before 3 p.m., but officers remained on the scene to ensure a smooth flow of activities.

-- With files from CTV anchor and videojournalist Amanda Kline