Following the success of a summer pilot project, residents of Pointe-Claire will be finding it easier to recycle plastics.
The city has set up a polystyrene collection point, located at 50 Terra Cotta, where citizens can bring anything with a number six plastic symbol on it 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Plastics that contain polystyrene, such as Styrofoam, are not supposed to go into general recycling.
“If it’s put into a regular blue bin, when it goes into the truck, it can get crushed,” said Canadian Plastics Industry Association Quebec representative Steve Tramley. The polystyrene parts can get broken off and attach to other materials like newspaper and other plastics.”
Pointe-Claire Mayor Morris Trudeau said the program has been running smoothly since the collection point opened on Jan. 14.
“We have a 40-square-foot container in our municipal yards,” he said. “When the smaller container at 50 Terra Cotta (fills up) we empty them into the larger container which has three compartments and that larger container is full, a company comes along, picks it up and leaves us an empty container.”
The cost for the program is being split between Pointe-Claire and the CPIA.