MONTREAL -- The federal and province government along with the City of Montreal have joined forces to reboot the economy.

Relaunch MTL - Relançons MTL in French - is a new economic project with the goal of helping the Montreal economy recover.

Presented Tuesday by the Montreal Chamber of Commerce, Relaunch MTL will receive nearly $1.3 million. The bulk, $750,000, is coming from the federal government, with $425,000 from the province, and support from the City of Montreal.

The project focuses on 14 key sectors of the economy hit the hardest, like food, retail, aerospace, construction, creative industries, and higher education. Relaunch MTL will host industry-specific conferences and networking opportunities, with a citywide forum in November. Decisionmakers will have the opportunity to identify key issues and challenges in their sector, share knowledge, and eventually create an action plan to support each areas recovery.