It's a refrain that's coming back like a summer song: summer is shaping up to be a difficult one in Quebec's emergency departments, with vacations exacerbating the staff shortage. Minister Christian Dube is asking Quebecers to prioritize other available options.

In a press scrum Wednesday morning, the minister reminded the public that the 811 telephone line, which includes Info-Santé, a pediatric service and the Guichet d'accès à la première ligne (GAP) (Primary Care Access Point), must become a reflex before visiting an emergency room.

According to a press release issued by the Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux (MSSS), around 50 per cent of summertime emergency room visits are non-urgent cases.

To help the public find their way to the proper care, the ministry is asking facilities to think ahead and announce service reductions or closures in advance.


In addition to the 811 line, people can use the digital GAP to obtain an online appointment with a healthcare professional.

They can also consult their pharmacist or family doctor if they are registered with a clinic.

The Rendez-vous santé Québec (RVSQ), Clic Santé and Bonjour Santé platforms, for example, can also put users in touch with a healthcare professional.

Mental health services are also available through 811.

The Canadian Press health content is funded through a partnership with the Canadian Medical Association. The Canadian Press is solely responsible for editorial choices.

This report was first published in French by The Canadian Press on June 21, 2023.