MONTREAL -- Hundreds of people are lining up to pay their respects to former Quebec premier Jacques Parizeau.

Parizeau's body is lying in state at the building housing the Caisse de depots et placement du Quebec, the provincial pension fund manager that Parizeau helped create in the 1960s.

Several provincial politicians have attended the visitation, including Quebec Premier Philippe Couillard, who praised Parizeau as a great builder after viewing the coffin.

“People from all political stripes know what we owe Jacques Parizeau and this is an example here. There are many other examples. It’s a fantastic generation out of the 60s that built modern Quebec. People are here to say thanks, so are we, both Suzanne and myself. Our thoughts go to the family today,” said Premier Philippe Couillard.

Another longtime acquaintance took note of Parizeau's good manners.

“He was very respectful of individuals and institutions. We don’t have enough of that today. That was his greatest contribution. Plus he as a pedagogue, he not only gave you an answer, he gave you nearly a course. He explained things and had a lot of respect for the electorate,” said longtime Liberal John Parisella.

He announced last week that the building would be renamed after Parizeau, who died last week at the age of 84.

Other visiting dignitaries included Montreal Mayor Denis Coderre. “He was one of the greatest economists. We weren’t from the same political family but you have to respect the man. He was always respectful of others and every time we had a debate it was with dignity, so I’m not surprised a lot of people here thanked him,” said Denis Coderre. “He did great for the Quebec economy.”

Parti Quebecois Leader Pierre Karl Peladeau, who was loudly applauded by the waiting crowd. “He fully dedicated his life to his country and his complete dedication is certainly a great example of what we should do and what we can do for Quebec,” said Pierre Karl Peladeau.

The line ups outside the building remained long for much of the afternoon. Some visitors dressed in sombre black, while others chose fleur-de-lis cowboy hats and waving flags. Many were visibly emotional as they left the building.

Visitor Susan Baldwin said she cried when she met Parizeau's widow.

"He was such a great man, who did contribute a lot to the prosperity of Quebec," she said. She plans to keep his memory alive "by talking to my children and grandchildren for what he did for the country, for Quebec."

Parizeau is to lie in state for a second day on Sunday at the Quebec legislature. A state funeral will be held Tuesday in Montreal.


A state funeral for Parizeau will be held Tuesday afternoon in Montreal.

-With a file from The Canadian Press

The family of former Quebec premier Jacques Parize

The family of former Quebec premier Jacques Parizeau visits his casket lying in state at Caisse de depot et placement du Quebec in Montreal on Saturday, June 6, 2015. THE CANADIAN PRESS/ Patrick Doyle