Quebec's largest labour group and several affiliated unions broke the province's electoral law in 2003 by distributing flyers that urged members not to vote for the Action democratique du Quebec, a judge has ruled.

Quebec court Judge Louise Bourdeau ruled Tuesday that the F�d�ration des travailleurs et travailleuses du Qu�bec (FTQ) contravened articles of the province's electoral law that set 'reasonable limits' to freedom of expression.

The labour group and its unions were fined a total of $8,000 plus fees. The FTQ must pay half that amount.

Possible Appeal

The FTQ's lawyer, Gaston Nadeau, says he was 'surprised' by Bourdeau's judgment and has not ruled out launching an appeal.

Nadeau and the attorney representing the province's chief electoral officer both declined to comment on the ruling Tuesday until they have thoroughly read through the decision.

The pamphlets, which denounced the right-wing ADQ's position on unions, were intended to reach 500,000 union members in Quebec during the 2003 provincial election campaign.