Former Montreal police officer Stefanie Trudeau, who gained notoriety as Agent 728, is before the police ethics commission in connection with an arrest five years ago.
Trudeau faces a disciplinary hearing over her treatment of Julian Menezes and some of his friends as they came home from a wedding in the Plateau.
Earlier this year, Menezes was awarded a $40,000 judgment by the Quebec Human Rights Commission in connection with the same case.
On Wednesday Menezes spoke before the ethics commission, testifying that in May 2012, he and two other friends saw the officer give a ticket to a cyclist, adding that when she handed it to him, she made a remark about the red square the cyclist was wearing.
The incident occurred during the height of the student demonstrations, when tensions between police and protesters were high.
Twice Menezes’s friends asked about the ticket and Trudeau allegedly told them it wasn't their business and to back off, alleging that he was drunk.
When he said they weren't interfering, simply supporting the cyclist, he claims Agent 728 threw him to the ground and handcuffed him.
He was pushed into the squad car and for several minutes, he said, Trudeau drove around hitting the gas and slamming the brakes, and without a seatbelt on, it caused his face to hit the Plexiglas.
He said they called him a 'fucking Indian' and threatening to put him in jail, saying that he was a ‘skinny bitch’ who would be raped there.
He was handed a $146 ticket for disobeying a police officer, a fine that was later dropped.
At the hearing, Trudeau's attorney suggested that Menezes was arrested because he refused to identify himself when she asked him to. The lawyer also suggested that Trudeau did not make a racial slur, and instead Menezes misunderstood what she said.
Hearings continue Thursday with three more witnesses.
Trudeau quit the force after she was found guilty of assault after another infamous violent arrest in October 2012 was caught on video.