MONTREAL -- The Kativik Regional Government confirmed that a curfew has been imposed in Salluit following a positive COVID-19 case.

It is the first coronavirus case in Nunavik. A curfew was also imposed in Kuujjuaraapik.

“The curfew supports the protocol and efforts undertaken by the Nunavik Regional Board of Health and Social Services,” said Regional Government director of communications Rheal Seguin in a news release.

“As of this evening, citizens of Salluit are required to stay at home from 9 p.m. until 6 a.m. every day. The curfew will remain in effect until further notice.”

All flights to and from Salluit were also cancelled and the airport is closed to all traffic “except for extreme exceptions.”

The Kativik Police, the release reads, will enforce the curfew with assistance from the Northern Village of Salluit.

“Local leaders are asking that citizens refrain from stigmatizing those who fall victim to the coronavirus,” said Seguin. “They urge citizens to be well-informed of the symptoms and follow the proper means to protect themselves.”