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Family in Lanaudière struggles to rebuild after flooding leaves them homeless


A family in Lanaudiere lost nearly everything when their home flooded two months ago.

Making matters worse, the insurance company denied their claim because their coverage does not include sewer backup.

The family of six, including four children—one of whom is a toddler—has been unable to afford accommodation elsewhere and resorted to camping in front of their building in L'Epiphanie for two weeks.

"We had two tents," said Joanie Bellemare, who explained that by the following day, the children's tent was soaked.  

Inside the home, mould had spread rapidly.

Bellemare's partner, Kevin Imbeault, said they had to throw away their furniture, most of their clothing and meaningful mementoes.

According to Bellemare, the landlord has been trying to do the repairs but hasn't been able to because the family still has the remainder of their belongings inside the home and has not been able to pay for storage.

However, the family said neighbours and strangers have been a huge help by donating to their GoFundMe campaign. One even loaned them a trailer for temporary accommodations.

"When you run out of propane during the night it gets just as cold as outside," explained Bellemare.

With limited space, the family had to make some tough choices. Imbeault's two eldest children are now living with their mother.

The separation is painful, said the father. "You can't see them, so it is hard."

Bellemare's eldest, Alexia, has been staying with her aunt. "I cry because I miss them," the 11-year-old said.

Imbeault added that the government has not provided them with any assistance.

With no sign of when the repairs will be done, the family is again considering their options. Top Stories

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