MONTREAL -- With Premier Francois Legault's order that schools remain closed until Jan. 17, school boards have started issuing plans for the winter term.

The English Montreal School Board (EMSB) sent a letter to parents, staff and students saying that online learning will begin Jan. 6 and run to Jan. 14 for elementary and high school students.

The Mackay Centre School and Philip E. Layton schools (for children with hearing impairments and disabilities) are the exceptions, with in-person classes beginning Jan. 6.

The EMSB said parents should expect to send their children back to the classrooms Jan. 17 unless another government announcement is made.

All personnel in schools, the EMSB reminds, can get a booster shot, and those interested in volunteering time to help in the vaccination campaign can do so.

All BASE (Before and After School Enriched) emergency daycares run by the EMSB will be open from Jan. 6 to 14 with priority given to parents who work in the health-care or essential services sectors.

The Lester B. Pearson School Board (LBPSB) echoed the EMSB and will offer remote learning as of Jan. 5, and will also operate emergency daycare services.