Tomas Plakenec scored late to beat the Toronto Maple Leafs 4-3 in the season opener. For a rundown of the game, click here.

Wilde Horses

-Desharnais has somehow learned how to be a small player that is deceptively hard to take off the puck. Honestly I can't believe I am saying it. Desharnais and Pacioretty with the same crazy chemistry that they always have.

- Pacioretty looked pissed that he got to 39 last year and he isn't going to let happen again. Pacioretty on an absolute mission both ends of the ice. And what about the penalty kill work? When Therrien started this I didn't think it was a good idea but Pacioretty is so smart with his decisions that he is an extremely effective penalty killer.

- The last member of the top line was also strong. Parenteau had a weak camp but as a veteran you always have to consider that he doesn't care. Parenteau with a game with meaning was strong.

- As good as the top line was the absolute biggest horse was Plekanec. What a complete player. Selke Nom this year? He keeps getting more votes for it. Probably not a Nom yet but with the big three still excellent and active but he is a complete player.

- The two Galleys seem to be what Plekanec has been looking for as far as linemates. They read each other all night long beautifully. You can only hope that Therrien won't tinker.

- Malhotra is another horse for his work in the face off circle. He was winning them as if the other player wasn't there. He also won the key one with 23 seconds remaining cleanly.

- Subban with a ton of implication. Very little errors. A goal as well.

- Beaulieu looks like a quarterback with his first pass. If his first target isn't open then he finds even a third target. So high on this player. Beaulieu had a very calm night. No nerves. Very controlled.

- Price is a horse because the Habs D can look pretty scrambled at times and that leads to a large number of high quality shots.

Wilde Goats

- Emelin is going to be a guy who even though he got points on the board I don't really think can handle the minutes and role and even attention that is required to play with Subban. It is so much to ask of his game. I like Beaulieu as Subban's linemate. Beaulieu has the vision, hockey sense, and skating stride to be a good mate to PK.

Wilde Cards

- Refs still a little sleepy as the first Leafs goal was actually off side.

- Overall I saw a very smart team watching the Habs overall. Players protecting pucks, understanding their roles, winning one foot at a time.

- Toronto is a weird building. Such amazing love of hockey by their fans in that city yet not at the games where it feels like golf in there.