No charges will be laid against the Montreal police officer who shot Alain Magloire at a downtown hostel last February.

Director of Criminal and Penal Prosecutions made the conclusion following an independent investigation by the Surete du Quebec and a review of the evidence.

Magloire, 41, was shot downtown on Feb. 3. He was most likely in a state of emotional distress, after he got into an argument over his deposit and began smashing windows with a hammer.

When police arrived, he allegedly waved the hammer at them.

Police called for a Taser, but it was too slow to arrive. They shot him in the chest, killing him.

In its decision, the DCPP said he found the officer who fired feared for the life of his colleague because of Magloire’s conduct.

It said he followed the sections of the Criminal Code that allow officers to use as much force as is necessary, including opening fire on a person, if another person is threatened with serious injury.

The officer would have faced criminal charges if it was deemed he had used excessive force.
The DCPP announced the news to Alain Magloire family before making it public.

The father of two girls, Magloire was also the son of former Haitian minister of justice René Magloire.

He was suffering from mental health problems.

Magloire had studied biochemistry and molecular biology before his life changed in the 2000s

According to his family, Magloire had consumed ecstasy at a party and had subsequently developed psychological problems that led to a life on the street.

With files from La Presse Canadienne