CEGEP du Vieux Montreal students have voted to end their student protests.

1,240 students voted against continuing, while 444 voted in favour of keeping the protests going in a vote held Wednesday evening.

It was the school's third vote on the issue in eight days. On April 7 students voted twice with mixed results that were put in question as many had left during the long delay.

Unlike the other votes held by students at the school, Thursday's vote was by secret ballot. All other votes on the student boycott have been taken by a show of hands, and typically ended up with very close results between the 'yes' and 'no' sides.

The school director told the students Monday that the semester might be pre-empted until the fall if the protestes were to continue.

Courses are set to resume Thursday morning, and the school hopes to publish a new calendar for the rest of the school year on Friday.