For the second time in a week, a scam targeting the elderly in the Montreal area has surfaced.

On Thursday afternoon a pair of men who appeared to be in their 50s knocked on a couple’s door. One of the men was dressed in an Esso uniform and the men said they were there to clean the furnace.

The couple, who have asked to remain anonymous, let them in.

After being told there was a $40 fee, the wife went to take money from a drawer in which she was keeping $615 to buy her grandchildren presents.

While one of the men went downstairs to the furnace, the other stayed upstairs. The wife turned her back for a moment and when she turned back, the men and the cash were gone.

Imperial Oil, which owns Esso, released a statement saying the company “Regrets the unfortunate experience of this Montreal family who became the victims of a crime through no fault of their own. We will work with the family to explore ways to remedy this situation, to the best of our ability.”

According to police, this type of scam is not rare, and they encourage people to exercise caution if they have not asked for a service. Scammers often prey on seniors because they stay at home and can be trusting.

Earlier this week, a Pointe-Claire couple said they were approached about a month ago by two men claiming to be roofers. They paid the men a $2,700 deposit, but no work was ever done.