The Sûreté du Québec's (SQ) Crimes Against the Person Investigation Service was finally able to identify the victim of a homicide in Saint-Zotique, in the Montérégie region, on Wednesday, after appealing to the public for help in the case.

The identity of the victim has not been disclosed since he is a minor.

The body of the young man was found Monday on 69th Avenue in Saint-Zotique, in an area surrounded by farmland.

"There were marks of violence on the body of the victim," said Valerie Beauchamp, spokeswoman for the SQ.

The young man, with black hair and a dark complexion, had a tattoo with the letters "SK" on the top of his left wrist and another with the word "Family" on the side of his right hand. He also had a gold chain around his neck.

The SQ investigation is ongoing to determine the circumstances that led to this murder.

Any information on this case can be communicated, in complete confidentiality, to the Sûreté du Québec's Criminal Information Centre at 1 800 659-4264.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published in French on April 19, 2023