Premier Francois Legault is standing by his government’s plan to close Riverdale High School in Pierrefonds.

Education Minister Jean-Francois Roberge made the executive decision Monday, announcing that government would transfer the building to the Marguerite-Bourgeoys School Board in the fall.

The sudden announcement came as a shock to students and parents, with critics accusing the CAQ of ignoring the concerns of the Anglophone community.

In Gatineau Tuesday for a meeting with his caucus ahead of the upcoming session of the National Assembly, Legault was unapologetic about his government’s decision, saying this type of transfer is not unprecedented and it’s simply a question of numbers.

“I think that it’s an exceptional situation. Right now Marguerite-Bourgeoys School Board urgently needs some classrooms, so I think because it’s an exceptional situation, we have to supply those classrooms for these children, and they clearly have these surpluses on the Anglophone side,” he said.

When asked for his response to criticism over what some called a heavy-handed approach, Legault said they considered various scenarios before reaching this conclusion, and he said based on declining enrolment at English school boards and growing numbers on the French side – it’s about giving space to those who need it.

The move will affect about 450 students now enrolled at Riverdale High School who will be relocated in time for the next school year in the fall.