As Quebec deals with a blast of arctic air authorities in Montreal are helping the homeless.
Police officers spent Thursday night checking sites around the city for those who were dressed inadequately as the temperature dropped to -23C.
Those who were not dressed for the severe cold were taken to St. Michael's Mission on President Kennedy Ave.
That is not normally an overnight shelter -- it has no beds -- but he shelter was full overnight with people trying to stay warm. St. Michael's normally offers breakfast, lunch, showers and clothing.
Firefighters from several stations were also patrolling the city overnight, handing out blankets to those spending the night outside.
The temperature will rise to -15C on Friday evening and be milder over the weekend as it snows, but is expected to drop to -21 C on Sunday night.
The Old Brewery Mission has 304 beds for the homeless, and Thursday night every one of them was occupied.
However on extremely cold nights the shelters in Montreal refuse to turn anyone away, and contact each other to find out which shelter has room.
Matthew Pearce said the Old Brewery Mission's bus also patrols streets throughout the night.
"It will circulate through the streets of Montreal, go to places where some homeless people tend to congregate, and if there are people who for one reason or another haven't decided to come to us we 'll open the door to the bus and offer them a place to get warm inside the bus. We hope that once inside the bus they'll say this is better then being cold and then they'll come to the mission," said Pearce.
The Mission is also looking for winter gear for the homeless, including donations of coats, boots, socks, hats, and more.