QUEBEC CITY -- A vaccination centre in Quebec City that aims to innoculate tens of thousands of people per week against COVID-19 opened its doors on Wednesday.
The facility, which has been dubbed a “mega-clinic,” is centrally located next to the Videotron Centre arena. Occupying 60,000 square feet, it has space for 15 vaccinators – double the number working at the city's Mental Health Institute, which the location is replacing.
Currently, the clinic is open only to healthcare workers and only by appointment. While the goal is to have 30,000 people per week come for their shot, the recent decision by Pfizer to reduce vaccine deliveries to Canada has made it unclear when that goal will be reached.
As of Wednesday, the regional health authority said 20,000 people in the Quebec City area have received their first of two shots, including every senior living in a CHSLD.