The Crown questioned Guy Turcotte Wednesday about what he remembers from the night he killed his children, suggesting that he has selective memory of the events.

Turcotte is accused of first-degree murder and has admitted to killing his children, but is pleading that he is not criminally responsible.

On the stand Wednesday the Crown asked Turcotte about a phone call he made to his colleagues at Hotel Dieu after he was arrested and jailed.

In the call, Turcotte mentioned his desire to collect a cheque for $353, and that he wanted to leave his calculator to a co-worker.

Turcotte replied that at that time, after being in jail for eight days, he was having difficulty coping with flashbacks to the deaths of his children and that he had decided to kill himself. Before he ended his life he wanted to make sure all his affairs were in order.

The Crown also questioned Turcotte about the events the night of the two killings, and why he did not take his own life that night.

"You stabbed your children 46 times. Why didn't you have the courage and the strength to stab yourself even once?" asked René Verret.

Turcotte said he wanted to stab himself but could not find the knife he used to kill his children.

"How did you not see the knives?" asked Verret.

"How would you would like me to explain it?" replied Turcotte, elaborating that his memory of the events of that night is still shaky.

Previous witnesses have explained how a knife was found under Olivier's body, and that a second knife was found on the edge of a bathtub near Turcotte's bedroom.

Turcotte himself was discovered by police the morning after the deaths suffering from drinking windshield washer fluid.