West Island residents are getting keys in the mail to new community mail boxes, but a man in Dorval is taking drastic steps to prevent one of them from going up.
Since January, Hans Dybka has been involved in a dispute with Canada Post. That’s when he received word that land in front of his would be the location of one of the controversial mailboxes.
Dybka said he objected to the mailbox because it would affect his property value and he was worried about increased traffic near his home being disruptive.
He was told that the plot was municipal property so to protest, he bought $500 worth of soil in April and dumped it on the site. He also erected a temporary fence around it.
Canada Post could not comment on this specific case but said 75 per cent of their community mailboxes in Dorval have been built.
But though Dybka appears to have been successful, his protest may have repercussions for some of his neighbours.
“They have changed the location, because I know all the locations in Dorval,” he said. “It looks like they put the box down the street and just around the corner. The problem is, it’s an older couple, and they didn’t advise them, they didn’t tell them. They just came, dug, plunked the concrete pylons on their property and drove away.”