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Calls for blood donations in Quebec as summer slowdown approaches


To mark National Blood Donor Week, Héma-Québec is encouraging the public to replenish its reserves before summer, when blood donations are usually lower.

Running from June 12 to 18, the nation-wide campaign aims to remind citizens of the importance of donating blood year-round.

"It's easy to forget to do your civic duty," said Héma-Québec spokesperson Patrice Lavoie.

The organization particularly needs blood donations from people with an O-negative blood type.

But Lavoie says Héma-Québec is looking for all types of donors and that every donation is essential.

"At present, reserves are at a satisfactory level. That said, we're seeing a slight slowdown in the number of appointments for donations. We're asking people to donate blood, plasma and platelets," he said.

He noted that the donating process is relatively quick; it takes about 20 minutes for blood and 30 to 45 minutes for plasma.

Appointments can be booked online, and several mobile clinics will open in the coming weeks.

"If you are a donor, bring someone from your family or friends," Lavoie added.

Héma-Québec says it distributes nearly 1,000 blood donations daily in Quebec hospitals. 

This report by The Canadian Press was first published in French on June 12, 2023. Top Stories

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