The City of Laval has admitted defeat on a $750,000 project to make roads safer, but reversing course is costing taxpayers another $250,000.
In 2017, the city painted 90 curbs blue and white to let drivers know to slow down in areas where children could be playing. But as City Councillor David De Cotis pointed out, few residents knew what the paint job meant.
“People don’t even know what they are. White and blue lines? Is it a new F1 circuit, is it the celebration of the Greek flag?” he said.
A spokesperson for Laval Mayor Marc Demers said painting the lines was one of several security measures voted on by city council to improve the safety of children.
Ever since being implemented the lines have been the target of backlash from city hall opposition and some citizens.
“If the mayor of Laval really wanted to reduce the speed limit, the solution is to put speed bumps,” said De Cotis. “This is a $1 million colossal failure of a pilot project.”
De Cotis admitted to voting in favour of the plan two years ago, but said what was presented was much different than what was delivered.
“It was speed bumps, it was blue lines just around the schools and other little measures just to reduce the speed limit,” he said. “What was actually done was a full, large-scale project across the Island of Laval with white and blues lines that nobody voted for.”
The blue and white lines will be removed starting in the fall and city officials said they will continue to look for ways to slow down traffic near schools and parks.