A group from the Montreal YWCA is using virtual reality to send a message about sexual consent.

Targeting young people between 16 and 24 years old, they’re showing them a virtual reality video of a distressing situation – a date where a woman’s ‘no’ is ignored.

The video, called ‘Do you NO the limit?’ will be shown at festivals, CEGEPs and social gatherings until next spring.

Sponsored by the Quebec government, the goal is prevention.

“We don't teach kids explicitly about this. It's not talked about explicitly. There is a lot of mystery surrounding what is consent,” explained Stephanie Coronado-Montoya of the YWCA.

The video shows there’s a range of unacceptable behaviour when it comes to sexual consent.

“Sexual aggression, the minimum is being touched without you wanting it, and it goes all the way to rape,” said Coronado-Montoya.

Of the reported sexual aggressions in Quebec, the latest statistics show that 52 per cent were females under 18 years old.

The way to reach young people is by speaking their language, said Coronado-Montoya.

Our target audience is 16 to 24, girls and guys. And what better way to do it than through virtual reality, which is so new and exciting, but it's very realistic at the same time,” she said.

Those we saw watching said the message got across.

“It's a very powerful message. I think they'll understand the consequences after,” said Jovan Caroro.

“There are certain guys that think no is a yes,” added Mera Dulude. “So they have to listen to a woman and listen to a woman when she says the limit is there.”