MONTREAL â€“ As dusk begins to set in sooner, the City of Montreal wants to make vulnerable pedestrians – notably, seniors – safer.

About 14 pedestrians are fatally struck by vehicles in Montreal each year. Of these victims, almost 60 per cent are over the age of 65.

The month of November historically sees more collisions involving pedestrians than other months, in part due to the earlier sunset.

The city and Montreal police are calling on both drivers and pedestrians to be extra vigilant when the clocks fall back this weekend.

"Safe practices can prevent the worst," Eric Alan Caldwell, head of urban planning and mobility for the Plante administration, said in a statement. "You have to cross at the right time and in the right place, making sure to see the vehicles and be seen by their drivers. We also want motorists to be cautious about keeping pedestrians safe." 

The city said it is also continuing to install pedestrian lights with digital countdowns and increase the crossing time at a number of wide intersections. Montreal is also introducing new sound signals at pedestrian lights.

The Plante administration is also working with the boroughs to encourage creating a five-metre clearance at intersections to increase pedestrian visibility. 

The new measures are all part of the city's Vision Zero plan to reduce car collisions with pedestrians.