The provincial government is agreeing with critics that Quebec's new high school history course is inadequate.

Several officials in the Education Ministry have said that Minister Sebastien Proulx is not happy with the pilot project that was implemented this year at a handful of high schools in Quebec.

Critics, such as history teacher John Commins, of Perspectives High School in Montreal, came forward earlier this year to say the course only presented the views of select Francophone Quebecers, and did not mention any achievements or actions by other ethnic groups.

The history course also presented francophone Quebecers as being in perpetual conflict with the rest of Canada in a struggle for independence.

The course defined everyone else in the province as an 'immigrant' that made no contribution to Quebec society.

The course, designed for high school students, was created by the Parti Quebecois government before it lost the 2014 election.

According to The Canadian Press the Education Ministry will continue working on the new curriculum to more accurately reflect the substantial work of migrants and non-francophones.