Carey Price is on the road with the Canadiens as the team heads to Pittsburgh for a Remembrance Day game against the Penguins, but don't expect him on the ice Wednesday evening.

He is joining the Habs because it is the annual father-son trip for the team, and so Price's father, and the fathers of many other players, are heading down to Pennsylvania.

It's the second trip this week for Price, who was in New York on Monday for a second opinion on the lower body injury that has kept him off the ice since October.

"Carey was responding fairly well to treatments and he was worried a bit," said coach Michel Therrien.

"He wanted to make sure that his doctors were the same in New York. The good news is that it is the same thing that the doctor said in New York as in Montreal."

Price is expected to play again in a week, meaning backup goalie Mike Condon will continue to be in nets.

"Obviously Carey is the best goalie in the world... Me and Ticker have got to be ready when the opportunity comes," said Condon.

Therrien said it's not unusual for some medical treatment to be less effective.

"He won't be back on the ice this week. And we hope he can get back on the ice soon, so this is good news."

Team captain Max Pacioretty said it's good for the team to realize every player has to pull his weight, and not rely on Price in nets to save games.

"I think it's already been a test for everybody and we've responded well. Whether he is out for short or long, it doesn't change the approach," said Pacioretty. "He's our best player and it is more motivation for the next guy up to step up."

The team is still refusing to disclose the exact nature of the injury, but Therrien said that the injury was not one that would require surgery.