The secret to a flavourful cup of tea begins in fields on the other side of the world – and the cream of the crop end up at Montreal’s Camellia Sinensis.

“We’re very focused on specific origin teas, teas that come from a specific place and have nothing added to them,” explained co-owner Kevin Gascoyne.

Gascoyne and his three partners have spent the last 20 years bringing this international passion to Quebecers.

The shop has developed a loyal following, because each visit to one of their stores is an experience they liken to a private wine collection that is constantly changing.

“We have a catalog of around 250 teas at any one time – each one of those teas is bought directly from the grower and fresh from the season,” he added.

The store stocks everything from loose leaf teas, to Japanese green teas, pu’er tea from China, or wulong from Taiwan.

At their experimental tea factory in Southern India, the company is also developing their own varieties.

In fact, Camellia Sinensis recently won “World’s Best Tea Shop” at the World Tea Awards in Las Vegas.

They’re also known for a collection of extremely rare teas – some from protected trees more than 100 years old.

There’s a tea salon for those who want a full experience – and their book on the history of tea has now been printed in five languages.

While several chains selling flavoured teas have popped up in recent years, Camellia Sinensis has remained a purist.

“Even though we’re dealing with a 5,000 year old health tonic that everybody knows is good for you, our clients are exploring the collection more from a viewpoint of taste,” Gascoyne said.