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These COVID-19 restrictions have been lifted in Quebec, others are upcoming


The Quebec government's deconfinement plan continued Monday as the province continues to chip away at restrictions put in place during the fifth wave of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Masks and vaccination passports remain in place but the following lightened restrictions are now in place.


There is now no restriction on the number of people permitted at private gatherings though public health officials suggest a maximum of 10 people or three households.

Restaurant staff can seat 10 people per table from three addresses so long as everyone has a valid vaccination passport.

Two people (informal caregivers or visitors) can visit a loved one in a private seniors' home (RPA) at a time with a valid vaccination passport. A maximum of four people per day are permitted to visit.

One person can visit a loved one at a public seniors' home (CHSLD) at a time with a two-person maximum per day. Outings are now permitted for seniors.


Starting Monday, the following lightened restrictions will be in effect:

Gyms and spas can reopen at half capacity with a valid vaccination passport required.

Indoor sports and recreation activities can resume (including at colleges and universities) with change rooms limited to half capacity with a maximum of 25 people per group.

Indoor climbing and golf centres can operate at 50 per cent capacity with a mandatory vaccination requirement in place.

Outdoor sports competitions can resume with no health protocols.

Sporting and public events can operate at a maximum of 5,000 people with vaccination passport requirements in place.

Outdoor performance capacity increased to 5,000.


As of Feb. 21, the following changes will be in effect:

No capacity limit in stores. Vaccination passport requirements may remain in place for certain stores.

Places of worship can welcome a maximum of 500 people or half the facility's capacity with a valid vaccine passport.

Social activities in rented rooms permitted for 50 people maximum with a vaccination passport requirement in place.

Arcades, water parks, amusement parks and other recreation centres can reopen at 50 per cent capcity with a vaccination passport requirement in place.

Conventions, assemblies and meetings can resume at half capacity.

As of Feb. 28, the following changes will be in effect:

Mandatory telework over with the health ministry suggesting a hybrid model for workers.

Capacity limit over at places of worship and funerals but vaccination passport requirement remains.

Bars and casinos can reopen at half capacity but must close at 1 a.m. and stop serving alcohol at midnight. People must remain seated.

Cinemas can operate at 100 per cent capacity.

No capacity limit on auditoriums and sports arenas that accommodate fewer than 10,000 people. Health protocols to be applied if there are more than 1,000 people.

As of March 14, the following changes will be in effect:

Places of worship, funerals and weddings can operate at 100 per cent capacity possibly without a vaccination passport.

Public places can operate at 100 per cent capacity.

No number limit at restaurants, bars and taverns.

Dancing and karaoke back on.

No restriction on numbers of people in a private rented room, though vaccination passport requirements remain. Without a vaccine passport, maximum 20 people permitted. Top Stories

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