MONTREAL -- Could Quebec do away with changing the clocks twice a year?

That's the question the Parti Quebecois put forth with a motion at the National Assembly Tuesday.

The PQ is calling on the Quebec government to create a working group to study the effects of changing the clocks back and forth twice a year, with a goal to end the practice.

The motion asks that the group submit its findings on April 1, 2020.

Daylight Saving Time was first introduced in Ontario in 1918 to save energy because it gets lighter earlier in the morning and darker earlier in the evening in the fall and winter.

While the rest of Canada followed Ontario's lead, Saskatchewan went rogue by sticking to standard time all year long.

British Columbia has recently introduced legislation to end the time change altogether, and make it Daylight Saving Time permanently. 

Studies have shown that many people experience a shock to their bodies’ internal clocks, much like jet lag, when the clocks change, and it can cause increased rates of car accidents, heart attacks, stroke, weight gain, anxiety and workplace injuries.