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Rise in young children accidentally consuming cannabis: Quebec health officials


Health officials in the southern Quebec area are issuing a warning after reporting a rise in pre-school-aged children who have accidentally ingested cannabis.

The Eastern Townships regional health board said 10 children under the age of five have been admitted to hospital since January, with the majority of them being admitted since the end of the school year, a spokesperson said.

In some cases, the children consumed such a high amount of Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) — the psychoactive component of cannabis — that they went into a coma for several hours, according to a news release from the CIUSSS de l’Estrie – CHUS on Tuesday.

"Many of these youngsters have been fooled by attractive packaging suggesting they contain treats. Others simply took advantage of the lack of supervision to dip into their parents' stash," the release said.

"It's important to pay attention to what's going around the house, since ingesting cannabis with a high THC concentration can lead to death," added Dr. Claude Cyr, a pediatrician.

The CIUSSS says cannabis use under the age of 16 can impair brain development and increase the risk of experiencing a psychotic episode.

Health officials are recommending people store their cannabis safely so that minors can't get to it. The number to call for an intoxication is 1-800-463-5060.

Some of the symptoms to watch out for include decreased attention and concentration, increased appetite, decreased judgment, drowsiness and slower reaction times. Top Stories

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