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Quebec reports 15 new COVID-19 deaths, hospitalizations drop by 3 dozen


COVID-19 hospitalizations in Quebec dropped by three dozen on Friday and there are five fewer people in intensive care units being treated for the disease.

There are now 2,049 COVID-19 hospitalizations, including 49 people in ICUs.

The number of health-care workers absent from work for novel coronavirus-related reasons is now 3,951, a total of 34 fewer than 24 hours ago. 


The Ministry of Health reports that 15 more people have died due to the disease, bringing that total to 16,940 since the start of the pandemic. 

Out of 11,962 PCR tests that were analyzed, 903 came back positive. 

There have been 1,219,923 positive PCR tests logged in Quebec since March 2020.

In addition, 145 more positive self-declared rapid tests were added to that total, bringing it to 253,730.

There are 389 active COVID-19 outbreaks being monitored in the province. 

On Oct. 19, 12,758 samples were analyzed. 

Health-care professionals administered 25,505 more doses of COVID-19 vaccine, bringing the total to 21,659,676. Top Stories

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