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Quebec COVID-19-related hospitalizations down


After a brief uptick during the week, Quebec hospitalizations related to COVID-19 began to decline again.

According to the report published Friday, 24 fewer people were hospitalized with the disease, for a total of 1,311.

Of these, 477 are being treated specifically for COVID-19.

There was also a notable decrease in intensive care patients, with eight fewer patients. In total, 28 patients were treated in the ICU, 18 of them due to the disease.

Health authorities also reported six new deaths, two of which occurred in the last 24 hours. The other four deaths occurred more than seven days ago.

As far as cases go, 484 new infections have been recorded, plus at least 29 cases detected by rapid tests. It should be noted that the cases are probably underestimated since the screening centres are reserved for priority clientele.

Finally, 1,742 doses of the vaccine were administered Thursday.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published in French on Feb. 24, 2023. Top Stories

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