The regional public health directors want tougher regulations around edible cannabis products' sale and consumption when they are legalized in October.

Though edibles likely won't be in stores until December, health directors in the provice said in a joint report that there are grey areas that could cause misinterpretation and increase the risk of poisoning or other dangers for minors.

According to public health statistics, smoking remains the most popular consumption method, but with upcoming edible legalization, those numbers are likely to change.

The Quebec government announced stricter rules in July than the federal rules. Candies, confections, brownies and other products "attractive to minors" will be banned.

Quebec Public Health wants all products banned that aren't explicitly allowed by the government and wants a specific department in the health ministry to determine which products should be allowed.

The cannabis industry, as well, should be forced to submit products for approval with the list being regularly reviewed.

In addition, the health ministry recommends identifying which cannabis products are attractive to minors, banning sugary drinks such as fruit juices and soft drinks containing cannabis, and ensuring vaping packaging has printed warnings including not to mix pot and alcohol.

Public health experts say ongoing research and polls will need to be constructed to enhance safety moving forward, and also to document how the transition is going from the illegal to the legal marijuana market.