A new poster campaign was launched Wednesday in the hopes of finding missing 10-year-old Ariel Kouakou.

The boy disappeared on March 12, and his family is hoping the new campaign is the next step in finding him. Hope of finding their son alive has never wavered.

“Our hope is based on the fact that no news is good news. There's no clue our son has been to the river, so if there's no clue he's there, then for us our son is somewhere,” said the boy’s father, Kouadio Frederic Kouakou.

Ariel's parents are desperate to find him.

Two billboards have been mounted in Ahunstic-Cartierville, where the family lives, and buttons and new fliers have been made.

“Whether you go to the arena, the library, city hall; people will be able to pick up one of these fliers as a reminder that this little boy still needs to be found,” said Pina Arcamone of the Missing Children’s Network.

There are still few clues to go on two months after the boy’s disappearance.

“We have found absolutely nothing. No item of clothing, no accessory that belongs to this young boy, so we need to keep hope alive,” said Arcamone.

Part of this new poster campaign is a stronger link to Info-Crime, which has so far received more than 600 calls about Ariel.

“Sometimes the little things, we think it's not important. (People think) ‘I'm not going to call because maybe I'm going to disturb.’ No one is disturbing Info-Crime Montreal. Call. Give the information,” said Jean Touchette, president of Info-Crime.

Kouakou said he's still in reglar contact with police.

“We talk to each other very regularly. When I ask them questions, they give me the answers,” he said.

Still, there is no confirmation from police on what the family believes to be true.

“From the beginning, this is what I'm saying. So today I repeat it: our child has been kidnapped,” said Kouakou.

The family says it has lots of support – including from Michel Surprenant, whose daughter Julie went missing in 1999.

“There's no words for that, it's something that when we see each other, we understand,” said Surprenant, adding that he's offering comfort and whatever advice he can.

“You have to stay active. If you stay active, you have the chance to fight, if you don't stay active the history will be lost in time,” he said.

Kouakou said he hopes someday soon he’ll see his son.

“Keeping the information alive,” he said, is “keeping hope alive to see our child one day.”