The Surete du Quebec is looking for a minivan that struck a person on Highway 640.

The incident began early Monday morning when a car driving on the highway in Lorraine, north of Laval, crashed and the body was thrown from the vehicle.

At 2 a.m. another driver spotted the crash and pulled over. Upon noticing the first driver had been thrown from the wreckage, this driver tried to get other traffic on the highway to stop.

A Dodge Caravan slowed as it approached the scene but ran over the man lying on the ground. The minivan driver did not stay on the scene.

The crash victim did not survive his injuries, although it is too early to say if the deadly wounds were incurred by being thrown from the car or from being run over.

Police are looking for a dark-coloured Dodge Caravan minivan, about 10 to 15 years old.

Anyone with information is asked to call police at 1-8001-659-4264.