The lawyer for the Quebec Liberal Party made a request Thursday to hear testimony from party members in Marc Bellemare's former riding about a meeting that may have taken place there the same night the former justice minister says he held a meeting with Premier Jean Charest.

Evidence previously submitted at the Bastarache Commission on judicial appointments includes a list of activities that took place in the Quebec City riding of Vanier showing a meeting taking place on Sept. 2, 2003 where 13 people were present.

The document does not say whether Bellemare was one of them.

Andre Dugas, who represents the Liberals at the commission, gave prosecutors another document that includes that meeting's minutes and a list of the participants that come from the riding association.

Dugas proposed Thursday that one or two party members from Vanier come testify before the commission to confirm the contents of those documents.

To justify the presentation of those documents toward the end of the inquiry, Dugas told commissioner Michel Bastarache that he didn't know those dates would become important to verify.

The commission's chief prosecutor Giuseppe Battista said the documents are being verified before being officially deposed before the commission.

Earlier this week, Bellemare's lawyers produced a floppy disk which contained an agenda from the period where he was justice minister in 2003 and 2004. That agenda, Bellemare's lawyers say, confirm that Bellemare had a meeting with Charest on Sept. 2, 2003.

Bellemare has testified that it was at that meeting where Bellemare told Charest that he was being pressured by Liberal fundraisers to name certain people as judges. Charest denied that meeting ever took place.

After Thursday's hearing, commission spokesman Guy Versailles could not say whether or not the Liberal Party's request would be granted.