QUEBEC CITY -- A total of 18 stakeholders will appear before a parliamentary commission on Thursday and Friday to debate the appropriateness of requiring vaccination among health-care workers and extending it to other types of workers.

Opposition parties succeeded in convincing the Legault government that Health Minister Christian Dubé, and the National Director of Public Health, Dr. Horacio Arruda, should be among those called upon to justify the government's intention to go ahead with mandatory vaccination against COVID-19 for certain workers. 

As requested by the opposition parties, the consultation will last two full days, either in person at the National Assembly or by videoconference. Elected officials will be on hand to pose questions to the witnesses.

Initially, the government wanted to limit the consultation to one day.

On Thursday, union representatives appearing at the commission include Fédération interprofessionnelle de la santé du Québec (FIQ), the Fédération de la santé et des services sociaux de la CSN, the Fédération des médecins spécialistes du Québec (FMSQ), the Fédération des médecins omnipraticiens du Québec (FMOQ), and the Alliance du personnel professionnel et technique de la santé et des services sociaux.

The next day will be the busiest and will focus on the areas of education and child care, with the Fédération autonome de l'enseignement (FAE), the Centrale des syndicats du Québec (CSQ), the Fédération des cégeps, the Bureau de coopération interuniversitaire, the Association québécoise des centers de la petite enfance and the Association des garderies non subventionnées en installation.

Other experts consulted include the Coalition des entreprises de services paramédicaux du Québec, the Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse, the Ordre des sages-femmes du Québec, the provincial public health institute (INSPQ), and the Barreau du Québec.

Last week, Premier François Legault announced his government's intention to make vaccination against COVID-19 mandatory for all those working in the health sector, both private and public, who are in contact with patients for more than 15 minutes.

On Sunday, the leader of the official opposition, Dominique Anglade, responded by calling for vaccination to be made mandatory for all government employees, including teachers and daycare workers, as well as anyone attending college and university campuses.