Residents in LaSalle are speaking out about a condo construction site they say is creating a dangerous situation.
A large mound of dirt created by the contractor has been steadily growing inches from their backyards.
Residents of Cure-de-Rossi St. have had their eye on the mound for a while.
"We will not be using the backyard until this is reduced by at least half - so that if something slides, it doesn't topple as well," said Frances Huot.
Rain in the recent days made the situation worse, they say, as dirt travelled into the nearby backyards. For some, there's not a patch of grass in sight.
"Our biggest concern is what's going to happen when all this starts to melt," explained Tony Lombardi. "If we get a lot of snow and if it starts to rain, as you can see, all of this mud going into our homes."
In August, the condo developer - Apero - sent a letter to residents, saying the growing mountain of earth would soon be disposed.
CTV Montreal reached out to Apero but did not receive a response.
The borough of LaSalle is siding with the residents, and want the developer to get rid of most of the dirt.
"The message has already been done," said city councillor Richard Deschamps. "Unfortunately, we didn't receive any response yet, and we are asking for collaboration and actions from the owner."
Deschamps said an engineer examined the pile, and says it is safe, but would like the developer to dig a hole around the site to stop water from entering adjoining backyards. Another proposed solution involves the placement of sandbags.
However, for some, the damage is already done.
"The summer was a total write off," Lombardi added. "With all the construction equipment coming right up to the fence. The trucks unloading it, the tractors pushing it off to the side as close as they can get. So our summer didn't exist."
Huot says her biggest fear is that things will fall and cause injury.
"If a decent-sized boulder, or even a brick, came down from the top, it can bounce through a window."