MONTREAL -- Quebec’s agriculture and food ministry is sending a precautionary note to the public about a line of farm-made foods sold in Mason jars that weren’t labelled "keep refrigerated."

Several products sold until July 16 by La Boutique Fermière, based in Ormstown, shouldn’t be eaten if they haven’t been kept refrigerated for any length of time. 

The meals were all sold in one-litre Mason jars under the following names: Buffle Bourgignon, Cari de Chevreau, Chili con Carne, Sauce au Bacon et de Vin Rouge, Soupe Africaine aux Arachides, Soupe de Courge Butternut et Pommes, Soupe a l’Oignon, Soupe aux Poivrons Rotis, Soupe Rhubarbe and Tagine d’Agneau.

They were refrigerated at the time they were sold, and the seller is voluntarily recalling them and distributing this precautionary notice.

People should remember that if the products haven’t been refrigerated, they won’t necessarily show any sign of spoilage or smell off to still be unsafe to eat.

No cases of illness associated with the meals have been reported so far.