Liberal leader Philippe Couillard reiterated Friday that it is possible for a small Quebec family to buy groceries for $75/week, while explaining that it would not be a varied or healthy diet, and would be almost entirely vegetarian.

Couillard told radio host Paul Arcand on Friday that he would prefer that no family had to budget that tightly, but it is an unfortunate reality for some.

"You have to look at all the specials, it's almost a full-time job in itself," said Couillard.

Couillard first made the $75 statement on Thursday, saying it was possible to feed a family of four for that amount but pointing out that the menu would not have much variety.

"I know people, real people that I talk to, with real children, that sadly, their circumstances in life, live with this budget," said Couillard.

He elaborated again on Friday that some families live on that little money each week, and so that is why his government has been working on better plans to reduce poverty.

"I said the truth. The question was is it feasible? Yes it's feasible. I know people that do that. Is it good? No. Bad nutrition and a sign of poverty," said Couillard.

"How do you react? First you recognize that it exists and then you fight poverty in an organized and well-financed way."

Many people criticized Couillard's comment, with CAQ leader Francois Legault saying during Thursday night's debate that Couillard was "disconnected" from the public.

Quebec Solidaire issued a statement that "Couillard does not know what he's talking about. Stating that a family can feed itself with $75 per week is an insult to all those families that are tightening their belts to make ends meet."

Several nutritionists said Thursday that a $75 budget for food each week was not realistic and not healthy. A federal health agency estimates that a family of four should budget about $225 per week for food, while other nutritionists agreed that at $75/week a family would be eating lots of pasta, black beans, and corn.