Verdun picked a chilly day to launch a spring cleaning campaign.

The borough will be posting colourful posters on lampposts and in metro areas to remind people that their trash shouldn't be dumped on the street.

In addition to reminding people of what they should already know, the borough has assigned close to two dozen people to cleaning up trash and graffiti, and to hand out fines.

In a sign the borough is concerned about enforcement, 14 patrollers be working to fine people who toss cigarette butts on the ground, or who don't clean up after their pets.

Those fines range from $100 to $2,000.

"We have had a lot of comments from citizens who say they want enforcement of basic civil behaviour," said Borough Mayor Jean-Francois Parenteau.

He added that the messages are playful and fun reminders not to make a mess.

Based on what the Southwest borough did last year "we came up with our own campaign with fun images that focus on the three problems of littering, cleaning up after pets, and cigarette butts," he said.

Starting next week, residents can also pick up stickers or flags to point out illegal dumping sites, or places where dog owners don't clean up.

At the end of the month, from April 29 until May 1, the borough will hold a Spring Cleaning Weekend and encourage people to clean laneways, yards and more.

The borough has also hired six students to clear parks and riverbanks this summer.