While many continue to overcome the shock of the violent clash between protesters and police in Victoriaville over the weekend, one student demonstrator has lost his eye.

As order decayed in front of the weekend Liberal convention, protesters threw projectiles, as police responded with tear gas and riot shields.

By the end of the weekend, nine people were injured, including four officers from the Surete du Quebec.

Sgt. Daniel Thibaudeau confirmed that all officers were released from hospital after suffering serious, but non-life threatening injuries.

Two protesters also suffered serious injuries.

Alexandre Allard is now in stable condition after suffering skull fractures.

Maxence Valade, 20, a student at CEGEP Saint-Laurent, suffered injuries that resulted in him losing an eye.

Student Valentin Bellec said he was next to Valade in Victoriaville when the incident took place.

"As the protest became crazy, two SQ officers arrived with rifles," he said. "They shot rubber bullets into the crowd," one of which hit Valade.

His classmates were shocked and upset by the injury.

"I thought it was very sad that he lost his eye just for marching in the cause he trusts in, the cause he believes in," said student Catherine Blais.

The SQ confirmed they fired rubber bullets over the weekend, but said it would be almost impossible to determine what caused Valade's injuries.

A variety of projectiles were tossed into the air, from rubber bullets, to rocks, to billiard balls.

Police arrested 110 people, most of whom were released with conditions pending future court dates.

Six of those arrested appeared before the court Saturday, and three of the six remained detained until Monday, because a bail hearing was necessary

Many of those arrested had prior records from violent demonstrations, said Thibeaudeau.

"Some of them have been arrested in the past, some of which we know had participated in the G8 and G20 riots that had occurred. Of those there are some that have come from different countries as well," he said.

Many of the protesters who were arrested travelled on buses to Victoriaville along with other peaceful protesters.

This worries Fédération étudiante collégiale du Québec student leader Leo Bureau-Blouin.

"Maybe for the future protests we'll have to make sure that there are no dangerous objects that are brought by protesters, but sometimes when we organize a protest of 2,3 or 4,000 people, not all the protesters have good intentions," said Bureau-Blouin.