To check and see if a company or person is registered and has a permit with Quebec's construction board, there's a tool you can use on their website:

-From main page, click on English

-Next page: click on "Licence Holder Register"

-Next page: click on "Please go to: Registre des detenteurs de licence RBQ" -- which is in a square in the middle of the page. (Then the site switches to French)

You'll get a page where you can plug in the name of the company or individual, the company business number, the telephone number and even the license number (to check and see if it's up-to-date.) Entering any of this information will allow you to do a search.

One of two things can happen: you get a page which gives you the licence number, which will then tell you when the permit was issued and when it comes to an end. (Quebec's construction board tells us that licenses have to be renewed each year.) It will also tell you what kind of work the person/company is specialized in.

If you get a page which asks you to refine your search, then you add whatever info you have.

If it still pops up, you might want to call and double check the information you're looking for -- but it might mean they are not registered.

Second tool

Quebec's consumer protection office also has a website that allows you to check and see if there are any complaints filed against the company.

(Site is in French only)

Main page: plug in the name of the individual or company in the box on the right hand side (under: "Renseignez-vous sur un commercant")

If there are complaints, it will bring you to a page where you have to click on the person's name or company again.

Then a page will appear: it will tell you when the last complaint was filed, what the nature of the complaints are, and what -- if any -- fines were handed out.

*Disclaimer* on website: Quebec's consumer protection office says just because there are complaints, doesn't mean they're incompetent -- or because there aren't complaints, doesn't mean they are competent.

These are just tools you can use to inform yourself, and be better prepared to ask the contractors the right questions.