Quebec Health Minister Gaetan Barrette spent Friday urging outgoing CHUM Director Jacques Turgeon to stay on as the health complex sets to open next year.

Instead, several other members of the French superhospital board of directors - including President Jean-Claude Deschênes - joined Turgeon by handing in their resignations Thursday in protest to what they consider Barrette’s meddling.

Barrette and the board are at loggerheads over the board’s plan to replace CHUM’s Head of Surgery Dr. Patrick Harris.

Barrette said that his request to keep Harris in his post was a suggestion but Turgeon said that is was given in the form of an order.

Turgeon had the support of the CHUM board according to one hospital official.

“None of the members of the committee supported the nomination of Dr. Harris,” said Jacques Deschamps, outgoing CHUM director.

Neither side appears ready to back down but Barrette continues to invite Turgeon to return to his post.

Turgeon notes that he sacrificed a hefty departure bonus by quitting Friday rather than allowing Barrette to fire him Monday.

But Barrette said that he wants Turgeon on board for the long run. “As far as I’m concerned he was our choice and still is and if he wants to reconsider his decision that's his choice,” said Barrette.